Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Emergency Phone Calls

Emergency Phone Calls

Q Describe the information that a dispatcher/telecommunicator must take from a caller in order to best dispatch the fire department. What are some mistakes or errors that may result from improper information being taken from the caller.

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A dispatcher/telecommunicator must ensure that he or she asks the caller about the place and the exact position of the area or the scene of emergency. More information which must be confirmed is the time of the occurrence or the initiation of the emergency in the area and position of emergency. There must also be the source of the emergency confirmed by the dispatcher/telecommunicator so as to understand about the source from the emergency had taken place. However, if the caller is unsure about the source of emergency, the dispatcher/telecommunicator does not require repeating the question about the source of the emergency. The dispatcher/telecommunicator can also ask about the extent to which the damage had already taken place because of the occurrence of the emergency in the area of emergency.